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Non-NHS work

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:

  • Medicals for pre-employment and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
  • Insurance claim forms.
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad.
  • Private sick notes.
  • Vaccination certificates.
  • Reports including lasting power of attorney.
  • Holiday cancellation certificates.
  • Fitness for sports activities including charitable events.
  • Access to records.

These fees are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales, for more information please ask reception.

Non-NHS fees

All fees payable at time of request.


  • Forms & letter/ applications requiring dictation and / or check of patient record: £30

E.g. Driving licence, passport application (must be known by the GP), shotgun licence/firearms certificate, fitness for sports activities, fitness for travel, infection (freedom from), private insurance certificate, holiday travel cancellation, university occupational health form, vaccinations requiring a GP signature.

(If any of the above also require a 10 minute appointment with the form, an additional £10 will be charged)

  • Witness of signature face to face in an appointment: £40


  • Racing driver/pilot/sports/recreational scuba diving, HGV/PSV, pre-employment, mini bus: £125
  • Taxi: £80


  • Health reports: £50
  • Ofsted Health Declaration/Childminder: £75
  • Lasting power of Attorney (LPA) (per patient, 1 form) £125
  • Lasting power of Attorney (LPA) (per patient, 2 forms) £150

(Health & Welfare and Property & Finance)

  • LPA £125 for 1 form + £25 Home visit per patient: £150
  • LPA £150 for 2 forms + £25 Home visit per patient: £175

(Health & Welfare and Property & Finance)

  • Home visit (to complete Non NHS forms) £25
  • Insurance medicals & dictated insurance/employment reports: £125